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Connor Lewis
Jan 21 min read
Sublasses in Dnd
What subclasses are there to choose from in Dnd? What subclass should I play as when playing a cleric? Are some subclasses better than...

Connor Lewis
Jan 21 min read
Multiclassing in Dnd
How do I multiclass in Dnd? What should I multiclass into as a wizard? Should I multiclass into a fighter? There are so many options when...

Connor Lewis
Jan 21 min read
Christmas Special 2024! Part 1 & 2
Merry Christmas! If you've every wondered how you can make a festive themed Dnd session. ..look no further! At this time of year it's...

Connor Lewis
Jan 21 min read
Bloodhunters in Dnd
What hit dice do Bloodhunters use in Dnd? Should I use weapons or magic as a Bloodhunter? What is a Bloodhunter in Dnd? Bloodhunters are...

Connor Lewis
Jan 21 min read
Artificers in Dnd
What hit dice does an Artificer have in Dnd? Can an artificer cast spells? What is an Artificer? Artificers are one of the most unknown...

Connor Lewis
Dec 5, 20241 min read
Monks in Dnd
What hit dice does a Monk have in Dnd? How many attacks can a Monk make? Do Monks need to be religious in Dnd? Everyone knows what a Monk...

Connor Lewis
Dec 5, 20241 min read
Rangers in Dnd
What hit dice does a Ranger have in Dnd? Do I have to use a bow as a Ranger? Why does no one treat me like Legolas when I play a Ranger?...

Connor Lewis
Dec 5, 20241 min read
Rogues in Dnd
What hit dice does a Rogue have? What is the best weapon for Rogues to use? What is the best alignment for Rogues? All great questions!...

Connor Lewis
Dec 5, 20241 min read
Barbarians in Dnd
What hit dice does a Barbarian have? What feats are good for a Barbarian? How many attacks can a Barbarian make? On paper, Barbarians can...

Connor Lewis
Nov 7, 20241 min read
Sorcerers in Dnd
What hit die does a Sorcerer have in Dnd? What spells can a Sorcerer cast? What's the difference between a Sorcerer and a Wizard?...

Connor Lewis
Oct 31, 20241 min read
Clerics in Dnd
What hit die does a Cleric have? What are a Clerics main stats? Does my Cleric need to be religious? All great questions! In this week's...

Connor Lewis
Oct 31, 20241 min read
Halloween (2024) Special!
Happy Halloween! Have you ever wanted to create a halloween one-shot or campaign but are wondering what enemies you can use for a spooky...

Connor Lewis
Oct 31, 20241 min read
Bards in Dnd
What hit dice does a Bard have? What spells can a Bard cast? Do I have to be funny to play a Bard? There are many things to consider when...

Connor Lewis
Oct 17, 20241 min read
Druids in Dnd
What is a Druids hit die in Dnd? What animals can a Druid transform into? What is a Druid's spellcasting modifier? All great questions!...

Connor Lewis
Oct 10, 20241 min read
Warlocks in Dnd
What is a Warlocks hit die in Dnd? What weapon should I use as a Warlock? How many spells can I cast as a Warlock? Warlocks can be...

Connor Lewis
Oct 3, 20241 min read
Paladins in Dnd
What is a Paladins hit die in Dnd? What spells can Paladins cast? Do I have to be a healer as a Paladin? Paladins are great at many...

Connor Lewis
Sep 26, 20241 min read
Wizards in Dnd
What spells can a wizard cast in Dnd? How many spell slots do wizards have? What hit die does a wizard roll? If you're new to Dnd and...

Connor Lewis
Sep 19, 20241 min read
Fighters in Dnd
What class should I try first in Dnd? What is a fighter's hit dice? What are the best feats for a fighter in Dnd? When many think of Dnd...

Connor Lewis
Sep 19, 20241 min read
The Dnd Movie 2023
How accurate is the Dnd movie? What classes or races are seen in the Dnd movie? Is the Dnd movie good? Well if you haven't yet watched it...

Connor Lewis
Sep 5, 20241 min read
Maps in Dnd
Do I need to give players a map? What should a battle-map look like for combat? Can I just print maps if I cannot draw to save my...
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