What hit die does a Cleric have? What are a Clerics main stats? Does my Cleric need to be religious? All great questions! In this week's episode we're taking a look at Clerics in general, discussing what makes them unique, how you can spice up your next Cleric and ways you can take your character so that you can get the most out of them! Lets get to it!

Clerics can be an incredibly fun class to play if done right, and whilst there's no right or wrong with Dnd there are definitely ways that you can improve your character to really make them feel one with yourself, in this week's episode of the Dnd podcast we're taking a look at this class and discussing everything from how to feel more connected to your roleplay to what feats are great for Clerics, so why not tune in to learn more!
Listen to the full episode here: Spotify
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