What is a Warlocks hit die in Dnd? What weapon should I use as a Warlock? How many spells can I cast as a Warlock? Warlocks can be incredibly unique in combat and especially in roleplay! So if you're new to Dnd and are wondering about ways you can improve your Warlock character, or make it more interesting to roleplay, then why not check out this week's episode as we take a look at what makes Warlocks so fun to play! Lets get to it!

Warlocks are great at many things in Dnd, but where they shine is their roleplay scenarios and ability to fuse their backstory into their gameplay, i.e. exploring the source of their power. If you want to learn more about how you can create a Warlock like this, then tune in to this week's episode of the Dnd podcast to learn more!
Listen to the full episode here: Spotify
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